
Oct. 24: Charlotte Peace Rally and March in Solidarity with Palestine

The Palestinian American Community Center of Charlotte is hosting a peaceful protest Saturday, October 24 from 12:00 pm to 3:00. We will be meeting at Romare Bearden Park, located at 300 S. Church Street, at 11 am and marching to the corner of Trade and Tryon at 11:45 am

The Holy Land is in a tragic state. Per Al Jazeera, as of October 20th, 45 innocent lives have been taken from us. Videos on social media sites have emerged of young children shot and left to bleed to death in the streets of Jerusalem, while settlers heckle them and wish death upon them. There has also been visual evidence of Israeli Settlers and Soldiers ‘planting’ knives at the scene of these ‘alleged attacks.’ These heinous acts must come to an end!

The media must report a fair and unbiased presentation of what is happening in Jerusalem, the West Bank and Gaza. They are claiming that this is all due to the tensions that arose from the Al-Aqsa Mosque Compound, forgetting to mention the root of all that has occurred;  the illegal occupation of the West Bank and Gaza. It is stated under international law, signed at the fourth Geneva Convention, that occupied people have to right to resist against their oppressor. The people of Palestine, Christians and Muslims alike, are standing together for their freedom.
The media has covered this horrific event as though the Palestinian people and the Israeli government are equals in this conflict. This distortion of the truth undermines any real efforts to bring an end to this violence. Israel is a nuclear power capable country that has a history of indiscriminately killing Palestinians and targeting innocent civilians. They are not equal by any stretch of the imagination.
We are calling on you to join us in this peaceful protest to show that a community can stand as one to support those that are oppressed. We hope that you will help us bring awareness to the tragedy unfolding right before our very eyes. We believe that with honest and fair reporting you can help us bring awareness and a fair end to this conflict that is unbiased and just for the Palestinian people.

This is a crisis that needs to be publicized.


The Palestinian American Community Center of Charlotte

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