
Oct. 8: Today is the Day! Occupy Charlotte, Old City Hall @ 3pm

Today is the Day! Occupy Charlotte, Old City Hall @ 3pm
600 E. Trade St, Charlotte, NC 28202

Saturday, October 8, 2011

FaceBook Event page:

Today at 3:00pm

Gather at 600 E.Trade Street and OCCUPY!

Get your small tents, sleeping bags, food, signs, camera, courage etc. ready and let's set up camp :3

IMPORTANT: Take these numbers with you! Do it.
National Lawyers Guild: (888) 654 - 3265
North Carolina National Lawyers Guild: (919) 967 1967


Many public restaurants/bars/businesses are available for bathroom/food/drinks. Also there are grocery stores in the near area: Follow Trade St. east towards Kings Dr, make a right, the shopping strip will be on your right.


Some free parking is available around Marshall Park, but very limited. If you get there early enough, you may be able to park for free. Also see time restraints at the said parking place.

If you are local, you can take the Lynx:
or you can take the bus:


Central Parking System
700 West Trade Street, Charlotte, NC

Central Parking System
531 West 4th Street, Charlotte, NC

E-Z Parking
312 W Trade St # 301, Charlotte, NC

Standard Parking
227 West Trade Street, Charlotte, NC

Stephanie Parking
123 South Church Street, Charlotte, NC

If these do not suffice, or fail, you can always use: to find information on parking and the surrounding area :)


If you are not able to attend, please support us by donating food, water, medical/hygiene stuff and clean clothes!
Also, please lurk:


Who: The 99% in Solidarity with Occupy Wall Street
When: 3PM, Oct. 8th 2011

We are union members, students, teachers, veterans, families, the unemployed and underemployed. We are all races, sexes and creeds. We are the young and the old. We are the majority! We are the 99 percent. And we will no longer be silent.

As members of the 99 percent, we will occupy Trade Street, Charlotte NC (Banking district) as a symbolic gesture of our discontent with the current economic and political climate and as an example of a better world to come. Therefore we invite the public, our fellow 99 percent, to join us in this peaceful protest.

This is a call for individuals and families, community and advocacy groups to stand in solidarity with Occupy Wall Street.

From OccupyCharlotte website:

In preparation for our gathering we would like to share some information. Since we are a leaderless peaceful gathering, you have the ultimate say. We can only help organize the day. While chaos is wonderful part of the creative process some people just can’t cope with it.

Our tentative schedule has changed a bit and probably will again and again since we all need to decide. Providing you with a tentative schedule will help a bit.

3pm Announcements General Assembly

3:30pm Safety and Twitter escorts

4pm March to Bank of America

5pm Volunteer Working Groups

5:30pm Open forum

Let’s not forget we are will be together regardless of our differences. Take care of each other! Also, remember we are practicing peace and we ask that there be no violence or destruction. Acquaint yourself with the guide to General Assembly.

Important Announcements!

Did you start a Occupation Charlotte Facebook page to help organize the protest against corporate America ? The planning committee would like you to join the internet committee. The community needs people who are driven and motivated to help us. We want everyone in the process and are asking you to join the team ! Please contact us
We need Twitter escorts , We have est…ablished twitter accounts to aid in the street protesting to avoid some of the incidents that happened in New York. If we can communicate we can take care of each other. A twitter escort will be linked by an twitter account so the group can communicate in mass. They will be responsible for maintaining safe passage at pedestrians cross walks and relaying information to the protesters as information develops. If you would like to volunteer please bring some comfortable shoes and sox and a cell phone that can access Twitter.

For more information and to stay informed visit:
Occupy Charlotte Facebook page

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