
Take Action: Bush Increases Military Aid to Israel

Conference Call, February 19, 9PM Eastern

President Bush wants to spend your tax dollars wisely. Or so he claims. In his State of the Union address on Jan. 28, Bush stated that "Just as we trust Americans with their own money, we need to earn their trust by spending their tax dollars wisely. Next week, I'll send you a budget that terminates or substantially reduces 151 wasteful or bloated programs".

However, Bush' FY2009 budget request to Congress includes $2.55 billion in military aid to Israel, a 9% increase over actual spending in FY2007. This increase in military aid is the first installment of a ten-year plan, signed by Israel and the United States in August, to increase military aid to Israel by 25%, totaling $30 billion over the next decade.

Since the deal was signed, you've sent more than 16,000 letters to the President and your Members of Congress opposing this military aid. To send your letter today, click here.

Not only is military aid to Israel a "wasteful or bloated" program in Bush's language; it's also illegal and immoral. It's illegal because Israel uses this military aid in violation of the Arms Export Control Act and Foreign Assistance Act to commit human rights violations of Palestinians through its brutal military occupation and siege of the West Bank, East Jerusalem , and Gaza Strip. It's immoral because the Israeli siege and occupation of Palestinians—and the humanitarian crises they are causing—are enforced with U.S. weapons, making every single U.S. taxpayer an accessory to Israel's crimes.

Rather than giving Israel military aid to continue its human rights violations of Palestinians, can you think of a better way for the President and Congress to spend $30 billion of your taxes over the next decade? If so, let them know by clicking here.

Even though Bush's budget request includes an increase in military aid to Israel , the fight is far from over. The US Campaign will be challenging this military aid to Israel throughout the year and at every stage of the appropriations process.

To learn more about this year's military aid request to Israel and how you can join the US Campaign to organize in your community to oppose military aid to Israel , please join us for a special telephone briefing with Josh Ruebner, National Advocacy Director, on Tuesday, Feb. 19 at 9PM Eastern. To RSVP and get the call-in information, please send an email to

Stay tuned for future alerts and don't forget to send your message today by clicking here.

U.S. Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation

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