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Join Stop War On Iran in Washington DC September 22-29 for the Encampment to Stop the War directly in front of the Capitol and the Sept 29 March on Washington
Aug. 29- Today President Bush once again threatened to use the Pentagon's weapons of mass destruction by refusing to 'rule out the use of force." against Iran. Yesterday, speaking before the American Legion, he said,"Iran's actions threaten the security of nations everywhere, and the United States is rallying friends and allies to isolate Iran's regime, to impose economic sanctions."
We must take action now to stop the Bush Administration's drive towards a new war.
During the week of September 22-29, antiwar activists will erect an encampment on the Lawn directly across from the Capitol. The site of the Encampment is a square of land directly in front of the Capitol, where we will maintain a determined, visible 24-hour antiwar presence as a direct challenge to the politicians - both Republican and Democrat - who voted for the war and vote to continue to fund the war. The Stop War on Iran Campaign will be there all week, with displays, a Stop War on Iran tent, special programs, and teach-ins.
On September 29, we will join tens of thousands for a massive march on the White House. There are now more than 75 organizing centers from more than 32 states for September 29, and more than 1,600 endorsers.
Now, more than ever, it is vital that we be in the streets to demand an end to the bipartisan program of endless war. President Bush continues to threaten the people of Iran, using (once again) claims about "weapons of mass destruction." And once again, Congress is unwilling to oppose the Bush agenda in the Middle East.
There are now 3 aircraft carrier groups in the Persian Gulf area and almost half of all the ships in the U.S. Navy are withing striking range of Iran. Vice President Cheney and others in the Administration are pushing hard for military action.
We have all seen that the Democratic leadership in Congress, despite being elected with a clear mandate to end the war in Iraq, has completely capitulated to the Bush Administration. We cannot wait for politicians to end the war. And we can't wait while they plan to launch a new war.
With the confrontation in September over the Iraq war gaining momentum, there is the growing risk that a weakened and isolated administration will risk wider war as a reckless way of overwhelming opposition to his criminal policies.
Please consider joining us for the week of the Encampment, September 22-29, even if only for a day or two. There will be a Stop War on Iran program at the Encampment in the early part of the week - Monday or Tuesday.
Then, help build a Stop War on Iran contingent in the September 29 March on the White House.
Buses, vans and cars are coming from around the country and from a city near you. Momentum for the Encampment to Stop the War (Sept. 22-29) and the March on Washington (Sept. 29) is growing, with Organizing Centers in 75 cities, more than 100 buses scheduled and many more expected. The list of endorsers is growing daily, with more than 1,600 organizations, community groups and organizers. Recent endorsers include World Can't Wait, the Green Party of the U.S., Carlos Arredondo, Not In Our Name, former Rep. Cynthia McKinney, Michael Parenti, MECAWI, Charles Barron, Ramsey Clark, Code Pink, After Downing Street, Cindy Sheehan, Gold Star Families for Peace, Ron Kovic, Michael Berg, numerous chapters of Military Families Speak Out and Veterans for Peace and more.
How you can help:
1) Help get the word out - download leaflets http://troopsoutnow.org/downloads.html
2) Donate to help with organizing expenses: http://troopsoutnow.org/donate.shtml
3) Become a local organizer:

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