Demand Money for Health Care, Jobs, & Education
NOT War and Occupation - SEPT 22-29
Join the cast of “SICKO” for a vigil on Friday evening to honor the life of Tracey Pierce and to demand justice for him and all of the many other victims of the profit first, people last – healthcare system. (See below.)
AND MARCH WITH THE CAST OF “SICKO” ON SEPTEMBER 29TH to demand Healthcare, Not Warfare. People from all over the country who are sick of seeing billions of dollars wasted on war and occupation and who feel that people’s needs must come first will be forming a giant contingent to demand healthcare for all at the Sept. 29th march to stop the war in Washington D.C.
They will be joining trade union and community activists who are tired of seeing layoffs, mortgage foreclosures and cuts; students and youth who are questioning the injustice of the war; veterans and active duty GI’s who are courageously speaking out against the war; Katrina/Rita survivors who are still fighting for their long over due rights; immigrant workers who are facing unfair deportations; and the tens of thousands of other people who simply want to bring the troops home now.
IT IS URGENT TO ACT NOW because funding for the war and occupation of Iraq will expire on Oct 1st. At this time Congress will be considering the largest increase ever to fund the war. They will be voting on an additional $50 billion on top of the $147 billion already allocated to continue the war.
We cannot be silent! One fourth of the Iraq war budget alone could pay for health care for close to 47 million uninsured people. Join the Encampment across from Congress, in front of the Capitol from Sept 22 to 29 to demand NO WAR FUNDING; attend the Friday evening vigil; and MARCH ON SATURDAY.
If you cannot come to Washington, you can still help. Please donate ( whatever you can to help others join the march. Every single dollar helps to make our voices stronger. Your donations can help pay for buses, flyers, picket signs, mailings and all of the necessary costs. Everyone can be a part of this effort.
For more information see:
September 28, Washington, D.C.
On the Steps of the Lincoln Memorial at Sunset

Tracy Pierce lost his life on January 18th, 2006 at the age of 37 after a courageous 16-month battle with Kidney Cancer. Tracy had health insurance through his wife’s employer who continually denied the lifesaving treatments ordered by his physician. His family calls this “Death By Denial.” Tracy was a Journeyman Carpenter with Local #61 in Kansas City, Missouri. Tracy was the proud father of a 15 year old boy, a brother, a son, a friend to many and the husband of Julie Pierce. Julie promised her husband that his fight would not end with his death. Tracy’s story is featured in Michael Moore’s movie “SICKO” along with many other heart wrenching stories from Americans across our country because of Health Insurance. Larry and Donna Smith are also featured in “SICKO.” They lost their home, but it didn’t take their dignity or their passion to fight for what is right. Donna founded and created “APUHC” - American Patients for Universal Health Care in July 2007.
In conjunction with the Troops Out Now Coalition - “Health Care Not Warfare” march on Washington D.C. on Saturday, September 29, 2007, Please join American Patients for Universal Healthcare (APUHC) as we will host the first:
TRACY PIERCE Memorial Candlelight Vigil
Friday, September 28th, 2007
Washington, D.C.
On the steps of the
Lincoln Memorial at Sunset
ATTENDING from “SICKO”: Julie Pierce & Tracy Jr., Donna & Larry Smith, Adrian Campbell, Dawnelle Keys, Rev. Andy Bales, Dr. Linda Peeno and more. Check back for more details...
Healthcare Not Warfare Campaign
Endorse - Join the Campaign for Healthcare, Not Warfare
Donate - Help send buses to Washington DC
Become a local organizer
Download Tracy Pierce Memorial Candlelight Vigil leaflets
Download the Healthcare and the War are SICKO leaflet
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